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Sunday, January 6, 2013


Oh, Christmas has been over for a few weeks?
Ya...How behind am I?
here are just a couple photos from Christmas week...
Christmas breakfast

A milk biscuit...she wasn't sure about that.

Anika's "coffee"  She always begs for coffee.  She gets these things called Fluffys.
They have steamed fluffed milk. Normally, she doesn't even get regular milk, but special things for special occasions :)

Christmas morning

Santa brought a stocking and just two small gifts. It was PLENTY!
Family does other things.  She was putting on manuka honey lip gloss above.

A little wooden toy "fishing"

Homemade sleep sack from Nana.

I have LOTS of exciting things to write about in the coming weeks, but I hope to find the time. I am so sad how much this blog has been suffering.
I will share now that I REALLY Thought I was pregnant over Christmas.  I felt it and I REALLY wanted to be, but a couple days after the New year, I found out I wasn't.  I was sadder than I thought, but I'm optimistic it will happen when its ready.
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and wonderful New year!!


  1. Great attitude! Missed you. And you need to catch up on parenthood.

  2. Sorry you're not pregnant but I'm sure it will happen soon! Happy New Year!

  3. That yellow hat is just adorable! So glad to hear you guys had a great Christmas! I'm sorry you found out you weren't pregnant, but sounds like you have a great attitude!
