Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, December 22, 2013

OH baby

My baby is already one month old!
NO. STOP IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Here is Leni next to Lenny the Lion, Andrew's childhood stuffed animal! We brought him back from New Zealand last year.

She is such a sweetie and so far, a wonderful baby. I am kind of obsessed to be honest.  She is 10 pounds and 22 inches. We went to the ped the other day for first time to get her check in as a patient and she was perfect head to toe. Duh, I knew that, but just went as a formality.

This was one year ago in New Zealand. I cant believe its been a year. I wish we were there this year!

We picked up this vintage coat from the 60's while in Austin. They have lots of neat vintage shops.

This is one photo from our family Xmas card.

We finally made it to see Santa. Anika sat on his lap without crying!! She still didn't want to talk much. He asked her what she wanted and she told him she was too shy to tell him. ha.

I probably wont be back on here before Christmas, so MERRY Christmas!  


  1. Merry merry Christmas!!!! Enjoy those cuties.

  2. Time flies! Anika seems like she is being a great big sister!
